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See it, do it, teach it: Competency-based training for workplace trainers 


Today's workplace trainers are expected to be able to coach, reflect, give and receive feedback, test and assess, organise, and collaborate. They must also show that they have insight into their own learning process and goals. In other words, we have set high standards for workplace trainers – because the quality of the specialisation course depends on them. 


The Competency-based training for workplace trainers (KOO) offers workplace trainers in elderly care medicine the techniques and strategies that help them train their trainees properly and effectively.


The trainees' new curriculum is based on competences. The course for their trainers is designed with the same in mind. Workplace trainers will, therefore, become familiar with the specific characteristics of competence-based education as well as the essential teaching tools. A second reason for choosing competence-based learning is that it allows for a high degree of tailoring the course to the unique learning needs of each individual trainer.


The national competence profile of the workplace trainer forms the basis for the Competency-based training. That profile is arranged according to five competence domains in which the domains of social educational practices, teaching practices, collaboration, and organisation are extensively discussed.



The Competency-based training has the following features:


  • The curriculum includes both learning in the workplace and modular, taught education.
    Learning in the workplace is central to the course.
    The taught modules are supplemental to, and supportive of, all learning in practice.
  • It is encouraged that the workplace trainers take responsibility for their own learning process.
  • Tests and assessments are competence-based.


Structure and design

Starter module

New workplace trainers, who are about to train and supervise their first trainee, are invited by SOON to take the starter module of the course, prior to the start of the next educational period. This module caters for an introduction to:


  • Making the workplace a learning place
  • Consultation while working
  • Monitoring the trainee's learning process
  • Feedback as a steering instrument
  • Training regulations and the trainee's employment conditions
  • The trainer's learning plan



The starter module is followed by four modules that focus on a number of essential tasks for the trainer.
All modules comprise 4 course days over 4 months, which allows the trainers to bring into practice all that they have learnt in between.
Tests (to learn from) and assessments (for selection) are based on the following training competences:


A. Supervision and support in the work-based learning place
B. Supervision and support of competence-based learning
C. The trainer as an assessor
D. Organisation and collaboration


During the modules, the trainer collates a portfolio. This personal portfolio is used to support the trainer's learning process and also serves as an assessment tool.


Upon successful completion of the entire curriculum, the trainer is certified. The certified trainer ensures that they maintain, and continue to develop, their teaching competences.



Module A. Supervision and support in the work-based learning practice 


  • Day 1. Coaching according to learning style
    The workplace trainer adapts their coaching to the learning style of the trainee and uses it to stimulate the trainee's learning.
  • Day 2. Provide feedback
    The trainer gives the trainee feedback on their performance, in accordance with the rules for feedback.
  • Day 3. The educational professional practice: recognising learning goals and using different work formats
    The trainer transforms the trainee's experiences in the professional practice into learning situations: The trainer recognises learning moments and chooses appropriate work formats.
  • Day 4. Adequate learning interviews
    The trainer is able to adequately and methodically conduct a learning interview. During the interview, the trainer is able to adapt their discussion method to the trainee's learning question.


Module B. Supervision and support of competence-based learning


  • Day 1. Coaching
    The trainer applies the principles of coaching, as relevant.
  • Day 2. Encouraging reflection
    The trainer applies the principles and methods that encourage the trainee to reflect.
  • Day 3. Working with learning goals and a portfolio
    The trainer supports the trainee in formulating feasible learning goals and the subsequent plan of action.
  • Day 4. Encouraging self-direction
    The trainer teaches the trainee to increasingly direct their own learning process.


Module C. The trainer as an assessor


  • Day 1. Following and steering the learning process through tests and assessments
    The trainer uses tests and assessments as essential parts for steering the trainee's learning process, as appropriate.
  • Day 2. Educational tests
    The trainer uses tests as an instrument for providing feedback on the trainee's mastering of competences.
  • Day 3. Selective assessments
    The trainer arrives at a well-considered, well-founded assessment and recommendation on the trainee's continuation of the specialist training.
  • Day. 4 Supervision and support of an additional training plan
    The trainer is able to help design, supervise and support, and assess the outcomes of an additional training plan.


Module D. Organisation, collaboration, and professionalism


  • Day 1. Working according to the rules for trainers + Shaping the learning climate, part 1
    The trainer works on the basis of the regulations set by the government, the College of General Practitioners and Elderly Care Specialists, the educational institution and other relevant institutes. 
    The trainer ensures that the culture, different interests, and collaborative situations in the workplace are to the benefit of the trainee.
  • Day 2. Shaping the learning climate, part 2 + Conflict management
    The trainer deals with any conflicts around learning and training in such a manner that they do not obstruct the trainee's learning.
  • Day 3. Acting as an instructive role model
    The trainer demonstrates their own professional practices specifically as a learning source for the trainee.
  • Day 4. Continuing to learn
    The trainer is able to continually direct their own professional development as a trainer.



If you would like to know more about training workplace trainers, please contact: 


+31 30 227 1950

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